
Vanished by Meg Cabot
Vanished by Meg Cabot

Vanished by Meg Cabot Vanished by Meg Cabot

I don’t care how fat he was when he died. Which is totally stupid, since-to the best of my knowledge-Elvis was not buried in a piano case. It all started that afternoon in the burger line in the cafeteria, when Jeff Day told Ruth that she was so fat, they were going to have to bury her in a piano case, just like Elvis.

Vanished by Meg Cabot

You want my statement? Okay, here’s my statement: This is just further proof that everything you see on TV is a lie. All I’ve got is a bunch of paper and this leaky pen. Plus they get coffee and doughnuts and stuff. On TV, when people have to give a statement, there’s usually someone sitting there who writes it down for them while they talk, and then all they have to do is just sign it after it’s read back to them.

Vanished by Meg Cabot